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Hearthstone Puzzle Lab: Astromancer Arwyn Mirror Puzzle solutions and answers walkthrough

Our complete guide to beating the Hearthstone Puzzle Lab

Looking for Astromancer Arwyn Mirror puzzle solutions? Things are getting progressively tricky in the Hearthstone Mirror set of puzzles, and Astromancer Arwyn has some truly painful experiments for you to endure. Thankfully we've got answers for beating the lot of these trials if you've become truly stuck.

On this page, you'll find clear, step-by-step solutions for all of Astromancer Arwyn's Mirror puzzles. Each solution shows you what to do on your turn in order, so that you're never unsure of what card to play next.

All Mirror Puzzles

  1. Test Subject Mirror Puzzle Solutions
  2. Astromancer Arwyn Mirror Puzzle Solutions (current page)
  3. Stargazer Luna Mirror Puzzle Solutions
  4. Zerek, Master Cloner Mirror Puzzle Solutions
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1-7 Loss and Gain

  1. Cast Darkbomb on your hero
  2. Hit one of the 1 / 1 minions on the board with Dark Pact
  3. Play Forbidden Ritual to equalize with the AI

2-7 Explosive Assault

  1. Destroy the opponent's Unstable Ghoul using your Frostbolt
  2. Use your own Unstable Ghoul to attack the Bloodfen Raptor
  3. Finally, cast Arcane Explosion to leave both players with a 4 / 2 Watcher

3-7 Dragonslayer

  1. Bring the AI's Sleepy Dragon into range of Shadow Word: Death with Inner Fire, then destroy it
  2. Slam your Faceless Behemoth into its opposite number
  3. You're both now left with a 7 / 7 on the board

4-7 Nature's Whispers

  1. Destroy the AI's 3 / 3 Wisp using Wrath
  2. Send your active 1 / 1 Wisp into the opponent's 3 / 2
  3. Do a final point of damage to that same minion using your Hero Power

5-7 Burning Volley

  1. Ping the AI's left-hand Gurubashi Berserker using Elven Archer
  2. Target your right-hand Berserker using Elven Archer
  3. Play Volcanic Potion
  4. Target your right-most Gurubashi Berserker with your Hero Power

6-7 Divine Alignment

  1. Hit your left-most Chillwind Yeti and Faceless Behemoth minions with a Holy Smite
  2. Play The Stars Align
  3. Use Divine Spirit to boost up your left-most Faceless Behemoth so it matches its opposite number
  4. Heal the right-hand Faceless Behemoth with your Hero Power

7-7 - Aha!

  1. Place Sorcerer's Apprentice to the left of Archmage Antonidas
  2. Play Arcane Intellect
  3. Put your second Sorcerer's Apprentice to the right of Antonidas.
  4. Use Molten Reflection to duplicate one of your gnomes
  5. Play Arcane Intellect
  6. Cast your copies of The Coin, then use the Fireballs to target the Chillwind Yetis, your friendly Antonidas and the spare copies of Sorcerer's Apprentice that your opponent has in order to match the board.

That wraps up our Astromancer Arwyn Puzzle Lab solutions. For help with the next stage, head on over to the next page of our Hearthstone Puzzle Lab walkthrough.